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Como sobreviver a um ataque cardíaco quando estiver sozinho

Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 1:29 PM
Subject: heart attack hoax

Cough CPR AHA does not endorse "cough CPR," a coughing procedure widely publicized on the Internet.

As noted in the AHA's textbook Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers, AHA DOES NOT TEACH THIS AS PART OF THE CORE CURRICULUM IN ANY COURSE.

During a sudden arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythm), it may be possible for a conscious, responsive person to cough forcefully and maintain enough blood flow to the brain to remain conscious for a few seconds until the arrhythmia disappears or is treated. Blood flow is maintained by increased pressure in the chest that occurs during forceful coughs.

This has been mislabeled "cough CPR," although it's not a form of traditional resuscitation.

Why isn't "cough CPR" appropriate in CPR training courses?

- "Cough CPR" should not be routinely taught in lay-rescuer CPR courses, because it would complicate the teaching of traditional CPR. It would add information that is not generally useful in the prehospital setting.

In virtually all lay-rescuer CPR courses, the finding that signals an emergency is the victim's unresponsiveness. This signals the rescuer to begin the "A,B,C's" of CPR. Unresponsive victims will not be able to perform "cough CPR."

Are there situations when "cough CPR" is appropriate?

- this coughing technique to maintain blood flow during brief arrhythmias has been useful in the hospital, particularly during cardiac catheterization. In such cases the patient's ECG is monitored continuously, and a physician is present. During cardiac catheterization, patients may develop sudden arrhythmias.

If a life-threatening arrhythmia is detected within the first 10 to 15 seconds and before the patient loses consciousness, a physician or nurse may instruct the patient to cough. Repeated, forceful coughing can help the person remain conscious until the arrhythmia disappears or is treated.

Therefore, the usefulness of "cough CPR" is generally limited to the monitored patient with witnessed arrest in the hospital setting.

AHA Recommendation

- the best strategy is to be aware of the early warning signs for heart attack and cardiac arrest and respond to them by calling 9-1-1.

If you're driving alone and you start having severe chest pain or discomfort that starts to spread into your arm and up into your jaw (the scenario presented in the Internet article), you should pull over and flag down another motorist for help or phone 9-1-1 on a cellular telephone.

For more information, please go to our web site at --> Education Resources --> Learn More About Heart Disease --> Does Coughing Prevent Heart Attacks?

Cathy Clapp

The Mended Hearts, Inc.
National Office
7272 Greenville Avenue Dallas, Texas 75231
toll-free: 888.432.7899 phone: 214.706.1442
fax: 214.706.5245

Dedicated to inspiring hope in heart disease patients and their families



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