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O golpe nigeriano, a fraude da antecipação de pagamentos.
(419 scam, Advance Fee Fraud scam. Email nigerian scammers.)




Resumo da mensagem

O Dr. Alli Katsina diz que o nome, ou melhor, o e-mail do destinatário foi indicado a ele por um funcionário da Câmara de Comércio da Nigéria que, por sua vez, nada sabe da natureza da proposta contida na mensagem. O funcionário sabe apenas que o Dr. Katsina tem algum dinheiro para investir no exterior e, por isso, ele indicou o e-mail do destinatário: você.

Como diretor da NNPC - Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, a empresa estatal de petróleo da Nigéria, o Dr. Katsina negociou com duas empresas, em 1999, a compra de 2.367 computadores e mais assistência técnica por 105 milhões de dólares. No decurso das negociações, ele obteve de uma das empresas a garantia de fornecer os computadores e mais assistência técnica por U$ 80 milhões.

A diferença, os U$ 25 milhões, é o dinheiro que ele quer dividir: você fica com 30 %, ou seja U$ 7,5 milhões a título de reconhecimento pela ajuda para transferir os U$ 25 milhões para a sua conta bancária, para você.

Toda a negociação deve consumir 14 dias contados a partir do momento em que você fornecer a ele as seguintes informações: nome, endereço, números do telefone e do fax da sua empresa e mais informações sobre as atividades da empresa.

Toda a negociação é feita em nível da confiança e do temor a Deus.

Texto original



Fax: 234-1-7597054.

alternative email

Dear Sir,



First, I must solicit your trust and strictest confidence in this transaction; this is by nature of the top-secret information I am about to divulge to you. You were introduced to us by a mutual acquaintance from the Nigerian Chamber of Commerce, Foreign Trade Division, who does not know of the nature of what I am about to introduce to you. He only knows that I have some funds to invest abroad, hence he recommended you.

I am the Director of Engineering & Project of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (N.N.P.C) in Lagos, Nigeria. I am seeking your assistance to enable me transfer the sum of US$25,500,000.00 into your private company account for mutual benefits. This money came about as a result of a contract for the supply of two thousand, three hundred and sixty-seven computer unit, installation and the Y2K compliance turn-around maintenance executed on behalf of my Ministry (N.N.P.C), in the year 1999. This contract was officially assigned to be awarded and executed by two foreign contractors at the tune of US$105,500,000.00, but in the course of my negotiation, I bargained with only one foreign contractor, a Bulgarian firm which now executed the contract at the cost ofUS$80.0000.000.00. Thus leaving the remaining US$25.5M floating in the escrow account of the Central Bank of Nigeria (C.B.N) to the benefits of we the three members of the contract award panel unknown to the contractor and any other person in my Ministry. This contract has been satisfactorily executed and inspected as the Bulgarian firm is presently securing his payment from my Ministry.

It is however to this effect that I seek your maximum assistance and approval to present your company name alongside with the Bulgarian contractor as the second foreign contractor to enable me transfer the difference (US$25.5M) into your account for further investment depending on your advice.

On actualization of the transaction, the funds will be shared thus:

1. 30% of the money go to you for acting as the beneficiary of the funds.

2. 10% for reimbursement to both parties for incidental expenses that may be incurred in the course of the transaction for insurance phone bills, documentation etc.

3. 60% to we three members of the Contract Award Panel.

All logistics are in place and all modalities worked out for the smooth actualization of the transaction within fourteen working days of commencement after receipt of the following information by fax: Your company‘s Name.

Address. Phone/Fax number and activities. Also, if we opt for electronic transfer only other than payment by solar bank draft or cash call programme, then your bank account particulars.

The above information will enable me make the application and lodge claims to the concerned Ministries in favour of your company or name and it is pertinent to state here that this deal is entirely based on trust and the fear of God.

If you are able to handle, feel free to reach me by fax on: 234-1-7597054. Also furnish me with your own phone and fax numbers, as I will be sending you immediately I receive your positive response some classified documents.

Thanks in anticipation for your positive response.

Yours faithfully.


[Mais propostas de dinheiro fácil]

I need your assistance urgent business proposal request for urgent and confidential business relationship charity funds urgent response office of the chairman request for urgent confidential business proposal I am a secretary of foreign remittance director need of foreign partner attention beneficiary from the desk I need your urgent assistance needed genuine business transaction charity request nigerian national petroleum corporation Contact fedex courier company for your consignment United Nations World bank compensation unit Urgently reply needed Request for urgent relationship Your business offer reply urgent inquiry Your payment advise Nigerian scammers Investment proposal standard trust bank plc foreign remittance Nigeria electric power autohrity Reply me with honesty loan offer email ngerian scam e-mail golpe nigeriano cartas da Nigéria Next of kin transferir investir em seu país

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